Administration of the club is done by duly elected Managing Committee members. Half of them retire every year and new members get elected to serve members in the team.There are different sub committee to help the Managing Committee.Membership of our club is not open to all. It is given only to selected few on invitation only after the application is thoroughly scrutinized by the committee. The applicant is invited to attend a personal interview with his proposer/seconder. Thereafter if found fit enough he will be taken on probation for 3 months.Thereafter his membership would be Balloted by the Managing Committee members and then given membership.Members of The Deccan Club are truly cosmopolitan in nature. Who are well settled in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. We have members who are serving in the bureaucracy. we have members who represented our country and state in various sports, to name a few Mr Shivlal Yadav, Ms PV Sindhu and many more. We have members who have excelled in Business, Arts, Politics, scientists, doctors, engineers and advocates.